1.268 elementdən 1-20 arası göstərilir.
Sual № 1
Allerqoloji kabinetdə mütləq nə olmalıdır?
Ədəbiyyat: Под ред. Р. М. Хаитова. «Клинические рекомендации. Аллергология» 2006.
Sual № 2
Allerqoloji kabinet şəraitində dispanser nəzarətində hansı bronxial astmalı xəstələr olmalıdır?
Ədəbiyyat: Под ред. Р. М. Хаитова. «Клинические рекомендации. Аллергология» 2006 г.
Sual № 3
Aşağıdakılardan hansı konkret bir patogenə qarşı hazırlanmış spesifik immunoglobulin preparatlarından biri deyil?
Ədəbiyyat: 1. Schroeder HW Jr, Dougherty CJ. Review of intravenous immunoglobulin replacement therapy rials for primary humoral immunodeficiency patients. Infection. 2012 Dec. 40(6):601-11.2. US Food and Drug Administration. Drugs. Available at Accessed: Feburary 10,2013.3. IVIG. Wikipedia. Available at Accessed: Feburary 10,2013
Sual № 4
Aşağıdakı testlərdən hansı sistem lupus eritematozus diaqnozunu təsdiqləməkdə yardımcı deyil?
Ədəbiyyat: Edworthy SM. Clinical Manifestations of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Harris ED, et al, eds. Kelley s Textbook of Rheumatology. 7th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders; 2005. 1201-24.1. American College of Rheumatology. 1997 Update of the 1982 American College of Rheumatology revised criteria for classification of systemic lupus erythematosus. Available at September 25, 2015.
Sual № 5
12 yaşında bir oğlan uşağı əl və ayaqlarında şişkinlik “ kola” rəngində sidik, eşitmənin zəifləməsi, bulanıq görmə şikayətləri ilə həkimə gətirilir. Sidikdə hematuriya və proteinuriyanın olduğu müəyyən edilir. Komplement C3 səviyyəsi normaldır. Bu uşaq üçün ən çox ehtimal edilən diaqnoz nədir?
Ədəbiyyat: 1. Gross O, Perin L, Deltas C. Alport syndrome from bench to bedside: the potential of current treatment beyond RAAS blockade and the horizon of future therapies. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2014 Sep. 29 Suppl 4:iv124-30.2. Kashtan CE. Familial hematuria. Pediatr Nephrol. 2009 Oct. 24(10):1951-8..3 [Guideline] Savige J, Gregory M, Gross O, Kashtan C, Ding J, Flinter F. Expert guidelines for the management of Alport syndrome and thin basement membrane nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013 Feb. 24(3):364-75.
Sual № 6
Bronxial astmanın uzun müddətli müalicəsində aşağıdakılardan hansının nizamlı istifadəsi məsləhət görülür?
Ədəbiyyat: 1. Guideline. National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Expert Panel Report 3 (EPR-3 Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma- Summary Report 2007. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007 Nov. 120 (5 Suppl):S94-138.2. Busse WW, Calhoun WF, Sedgwick JD. Mechanism of airway inflammation in asthma. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1993 Jun. 147(6 Pt 2):S20-4.3. Horwitz RJ, Busse WW. Inflammation and asthma. Clin Chest Med. 1995 Dec. 16(4):583-602.4. Murray JF, Nadel JA. Structure of the lungs relative to their principal function. Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. WB Saunders Co; 1988. 15-20.5. Balzar S, Fajt ML, Comhair SA, Erzurum SC, Bleecker E, Busse WW, et al. Mast cell phenotype, location, and activation in severe asthma: data from the severe asthma research program. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011 Feb 1. 183(3):299-309.
Sual № 7
Atopik allergiyası olan bir uşağa diaqnoz qoymaq üçün ən uyğun yanaşma aşağıdakılardan hansıdır?
Ədəbiyyat: 1. Pergel JM. From atopic dermatitis to asthma: the atopic march. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2010 Aug. 105(2):99-106; quiz 107-9, 117. [Medline]. 2. Carlsten C, Dimich-Ward H, Ferguson A, Watson W, Rousseau R, Dybuncio A, et al. Atopic dermatitis in a high-risk cohort: natural history, associated allergic outcomes, and risk factors. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2013 Jan. 110(1):24-8. [Medline].3.[Guideline] Eichenfield LF, Tom WL, Chamlin SL, Feldman SR, Hanifin JM, Simpson EL, et al. Guidelines of care for the management of atopic dermatitis: section 1. Diagnosis and assessment of atopic dermatitis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2014 Feb. 70(2):338-51. [Medline].4. Heller M, Shin HT, Orlow SJ, Schaffer JV. Mycophenolate mofetil for severe childhood atopic dermatitis: experience in 14 patients. Br J Dermatol. 2007 Jul. 157(1):127-32. [Medline].5.Van Velsen SG, Haeck IM, Bruijnzeel-Koomen CA. Severe atopic dermatitis treated with everolimus. J Dermatolog Treat. 2009. 20(6):365-7.
Sual № 8
Uşaqlarda anafilaksiyanın müalicəsində istifadə edilən 1:1000 nisbətində durulaşdırılmış adrenalinin maksimum dozası aşağıdakılardan hansıdır?
Ədəbiyyat: 1. Simons EFR. Advances in H1-antihistamines. N Engl J Med. Nov 2004. 351 (21): 2203-17. 2. Ogawa Y, Grant JA. Mediators of anaphylaxis. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2007 May. 27(2): 249-60, vii. 3. Vadas P, Gold M, Perelman B, Liss GM, Lack G, Blyth T. Platelet-activating factor, PAF acetylhydrolase, and severe anaphylaxis. N Engl J Med. 2008 Jan 3. 358(1): 28-35. 4. Sicherer SH, Sampson HA. Peanut allergy: emerging concepts and approaches for an apparent epidemic. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007 Sep. 120(3): 491-503.5. Cianferoni A, Khullar K, Saltzman R, Fiedler J, Garrett JP, Naimi DR, et al. Oral food challenge to wheat: a near-fatal anaphylaxis and review of 93 food challenges in children. World Allergy Organ J. 2013 Aug 21. 6(1): 14. 6. Bohlke K, Davis RL, DeStefano F, Marcy SM, Braun MM, Thompson RS. Epidemiology of anaphylaxis among children and adolescents enrolled in a health maintenance organization. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2004 Mar. 113(3): 536-42.
Sual № 9
Atopik dermatiti olan bir uşaqda aşağıdakılardan hansının olması pis proqnoz göstəricisidir?
Ədəbiyyat: 1. Pergel JM. From atopic dermatitis to asthma: the atopic march. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2010 Aug. 105(2):99-106; quiz 107-9, 117. [Medline]. 2. Carlsten C, Dimich-Ward H, Ferguson A, Watson W, Rousseau R, Dybuncio A, et al. Atopic dermatitis in a high-risk cohort: natural history, associated allergic outcomes, and risk factors. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2013 Jan. 110(1):24-8. [Medline].3. [Guideline] Eichenfield LF, Tom WL, Chamlin SL, Feldman SR, Hanifin JM, Simpson EL, et al. Guidelines of care for the management of atopic dermatitis: section 1. Diagnosis and assessment of atopic dermatitis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2014 Feb. 70(2):338-51. [Medline].4. Heller M, Shin HT, Orlow SJ, Schaffer JV. Mycophenolate mofetil for severe childhood atopic dermatitis: experience in 14 patients. Br J Dermatol. 2007 Jul. 157(1):127-32. [Medline].5.Van Velsen SG, Haeck IM, Bruijnzeel-Koomen CA. Severe atopic dermatitis treated with everolimus. J Dermatolog Treat. 2009. 20(6):365-7.
Sual № 10
Dəridə atopik dermatit və qanda eozinofiliya olan xəstədə diaqnoz üçün aşağıdakı müayinələrdən hansına ehtiyac yoxdur?
Ədəbiyyat: 1. Pergel JM. From atopic dermatitis to asthma: the atopic march. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2010 Aug. 105(2):99-106; quiz 107-9, 117. [Medline]. 2. Carlsten C, Dimich-Ward H, Ferguson A, Watson W, Rousseau R, Dybuncio A, et al. Atopic dermatitis in a high-risk cohort: natural history, associated allergic outcomes, and risk factors. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2013 Jan. 110(1):24-8. [Medline].3. [Guideline] Eichenfield LF, Tom WL, Chamlin SL, Feldman SR, Hanifin JM, Simpson EL, et al. Guidelines of care for the management of atopic dermatitis: section 1. Diagnosis and assessment of atopic dermatitis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2014 Feb. 70(2):338-51. [Medline].4. Heller M, Shin HT, Orlow SJ, Schaffer JV. Mycophenolate mofetil for severe childhood atopic dermatitis: experience in 14 patients. Br J Dermatol. 2007 Jul. 157(1):127-32. [Medline].5.Van Velsen SG, Haeck IM, Bruijnzeel-Koomen CA. Severe atopic dermatitis treated with everolimus. J Dermatolog Treat. 2009. 20(6):365-7.
Sual № 11
Aşağıdakılardan hansı anafilaksiyaya dəlalət etmir?
Ədəbiyyat: 1. Simons EFR. Advances in H1-antihistamines. N Engl J Med. Nov 2004. 351 (21): 2203-17. 2. Ogawa Y, Grant JA. Mediators of anaphylaxis. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2007 May. 27(2): 249-60, vii.3. Vadas P, Gold M, Perelman B, Liss GM, Lack G, Blyth T. Platelet-activating factor, PAF acetylhydrolase, and severe anaphylaxis. N Engl J Med. 2008 Jan 3. 358(1): 28-35.4. Sicherer SH, Sampson HA. Peanut allergy: emerging concepts and approaches for an apparent epidemic. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007 Sep. 120(3): 491-503.5. Cianferoni A, Khullar K, Saltzman R, Fiedler J, Garrett JP, Naimi DR, et al. Oral food challenge to wheat: a near-fatal anaphylaxis and review of 93 food challenges in children. World Allergy Organ J. 2013 Aug 21. 6(1): 14.6. Bohlke K, Davis RL, DeStefano F, Marcy SM, Braun MM, Thompson RS. Epidemiology of anaphylaxis among children and adolescents enrolled in a health maintenance organization. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2004 Mar. 113(3): 536-42.
Sual № 12
Aşağıdakılardan hansı xroniki urtikariyanın meyarıdır?
Ədəbiyyat: 1.Dreyfus DH, Schocket AL, Milgrom H. Steroid-resistant chronic urticaria associated with anti-thyroid microsomal antibodies in a nine-year-old boy. J Pediatr. 1996 Apr. 128(4):576-8. [Medline]. 2. Ellis MH. Successful treatment of chronic urticaria with leukotriene antagonists. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1998 Nov.102(5):876-7. [Medline]. 3. Para, childcount:2Spector S, Tan RA. Antileukotrienes in chronic urticaria. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1998 Apr. 101(4 Pt 1):572. [Medline]. 4. [Guideline] Powell RJ, Du Toit GL, Siddique N, et al. BSACI guidelines for the management of chronic urticaria and angio-oedema. Clin Exp Allergy. 2007 May.37(5):631-50. [Medline]. 5. Morgan M, Khan DA. Therapeutic alternatives for chronic urticaria: an evidence-based review, part 6. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2008 May. 100(5):403-11; quiz 412-4, 468. [Medline]. 7. Tong LJ, Balakrishnan G, Kochan JP, Kinet JP, Kaplan AP. Assessment of autoimmunity in patients with chronic urticaria. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1997 Apr. 99(4):461-5. [Medline]. 8. Kaplan AP, Greaves M. Pathogenesis of chronic urticaria. Clin Exp Allergy. 2009 Jun. 39(6):777-87.
Sual № 13
Anafilaksiya əmələ gələn xəstələrdə daha çox ölüm səbəbi aşağıdakılardan hansıdır?
Ədəbiyyat: Patel F. Seafood-induced fatal anaphylaxis. Med Sci Law 1998;38:354– 7. 2. Ansari MQ, Zamora JL, Lipscomb MF. Postmortem diagnosis of acute anaphylaxis by serum tryptase analysis. A case report. Am J Clin Pathol 1993;99:101–3. 3. Ciesielski-Carlucci C, Leong P, Jacobs C. Case report of anaphylaxis from cisplatin/paclitaxel and a review of their hypersensitivity reaction profiles. Am J Clin Oncol 1997;20:373–5.4. Belton AL, Chira T. Fatal anaphylactic reaction to hair dye. Am J Forensic Med Pathol1997;18:290–2.5. Prahlow-JA, Barnard-JJ. Fatal anaphylaxis due to fire ant stings. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 1998;19:137–42.6.Vaughn STA, Jones GN. Systemic mastocytosis presenting as profound cardiovascular collapse during anaesthesia. Anaesthesia 1998;53:804–9. 7. Mosbech H. Death caused by wasp and bee stings in Denmark 1960–1980. Allergy 1983;38:195–200. 8. Delage C, Irey NS. Anaphylactic deaths: a clinicopathologic study of 43 cases. J Forensic Sci 1972;17:525–40.
Sual № 14
Uşaqlarda ən çox rast gəlinən immun çatışmazlığı tipi aşağıdakılardan hansıdır?
Ədəbiyyat: 1. Notarangelo LD, Fischer A, Geha RS, et al.; International Union of Immunological Societies Expert Committee on Primary Immunodeficiencies. Primary immunodeficiencies: 2009 update [published correction appears in J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010;125(3):771– 773]. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009;124(6):1161–1178.2. European Society for Immunodeficiencies Clinical Working Party. Diagnostic criteria for PID. Accessed December 11, Vries E, Driessen G. Educational paper: primary immunodeficiencies in children: a diagnostic challenge. Eur J Pediatr. 2011;170(2):169–177.4.Gathmann B, Grimbacher B, Beauté J, et al.; ESID Registry Working Party. The European Internet-based patient and research database for primary immunodeficiencies: results 2006–2008. Clin Exp Immunol. 2009;157(suppl 1):3–11.5. Boyle JM, Buckley RH. Population prevalence of diagnosed primary immunodeficiency diseases in the United States. J Clin Immunol. 2007;27(5):497–502.
Sual № 15
Aşağıdakı faktorların hansı Selektiv İgA çatışmazlığına səbəb olmur?
Sual № 16
Bronxial astma diaqnozunun qoyulmasına əhəmiyyətli dərəcədə təsir göstərən amil aşağıdakılardan hansıdır?
Ədəbiyyat: 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2011). Asthma in the U.S.: Growing every year. Retrieved from 2. Chang, C. (2011). Asthma in children and adolescents: A comprehensive approach to diagnosis and management. Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology, 43(1–2), 98–137.3. Dombkowski, K.J., Hassan, F., Wasilevich, E.A., & Clark, S.J. (2010). Spirometry use among pediatric primary care physicians. Pediatrics, 126(4), 682– 687.4. Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA). (2012). Global strategy for asthma management and prevention: Update 2012. Retrieved from 5. Jat, K.R. (2013). Spirometry in children. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 22(2), 221– 229.5.Levy, M.L., Quanjer, P.H., Booker, R., Cooper, B.G., Holmes, S., & Small, I.R. (2009). Diagnostic spirometry in primary care. Primary Care Respiratory Journal,18(3), 130–147.Miller, M.R., Hankinson, J., Brusasco, V., Burgos, F., Casaburi, R., Coates, A., … Wanger, J. (2005).Standardisation of spirometry. European Respiratory Journal, 26(2), 319–338.National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP). (2007). Expert panel Report 3: Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma [Publication 08–405]. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from
Sual № 17
Bronxial astmanın kəskin tutmasında ilk seçim preparatı aşağıdakılardan hansıdır?
Ədəbiyyat: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2011). Asthma in the U.S.: Growing every year. Retrieved from Chang, C. (2011). Asthma in children and adolescents: A comprehensive approach to diagnosis and management. Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology, 43(1–2), 98–137.Dombkowski, K.J., Hassan, F., Wasilevich, E.A., & Clark, S.J. (2010). Spirometry use among pediatric primary care physicians. Pediatrics, 126(4), 682– 687.Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA). (2012). Global strategy for asthma management and prevention: Update 2012. Retrieved from Jat, K.R. (2013). Spirometry in children. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 22(2), 221– 229.Levy, M.L., Quanjer, P.H., Booker, R., Cooper, B.G., Holmes, S., & Small, I.R. (2009). Diagnostic spirometry in primary care. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 18(3), 130–147.Miller, M.R., Hankinson, J., Brusasco, V., Burgos, F., Casaburi, R., Coates, A., … Wanger, J. (2005). Standardisation of spirometry. European Respiratory Journal, 26(2), 319–338.National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP). (2007). Expert panel Report 3: Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma [Publication 08–405]. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from
Sual № 18
Astmalı bir xəstənin bronx biopsiyasında görülməyən aşağıdakılardan hansıdır?
Ədəbiyyat: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2011). Asthma in the U.S.: Growing every year. Retrieved from Chang, C. (2011). Asthma in children and adolescents: A comprehensive approach to diagnosis and management. Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology, 43(1–2), 98–137.Dombkowski, K.J., Hassan, F., Wasilevich, E.A., & Clark, S.J. (2010). Spirometry use among pediatric primary care physicians. Pediatrics, 126(4), 682– 687.Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA). (2012). Global strategy for asthma management and prevention: Update 2012. Retrieved from Jat, K.R. (2013). Spirometry in children. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 22(2), 221– 229.Levy, M.L., Quanjer, P.H., Booker, R., Cooper, B.G., Holmes, S., & Small, I.R. (2009). Diagnostic spirometry in primary care. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 18(3), 130–147.Miller, M.R., Hankinson, J., Brusasco, V., Burgos, F., Casaburi, R., Coates, A., … Wanger, J. (2005). Standardisation of spirometry. European Respiratory Journal, 26(2), 319–338.National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP). (2007). Expert panel Report 3: Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma [Publication 08–405]. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from
Sual № 19
Aşağıdakılardan hansı astma tutması zamanı izlənilən bir ağırlaşma deyil?
Ədəbiyyat: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2011). Asthma in the U.S.: Growing every year. Retrieved from Chang, C. (2011). Asthma in children and adolescents: A comprehensive approach to diagnosis and management. Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology, 43(1–2), 98–137.Dombkowski, K.J., Hassan, F., Wasilevich, E.A., & Clark, S.J. (2010). Spirometry use among pediatric primary care physicians. Pediatrics, 126(4), 682– 687Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA). (2012). Global strategy for asthma management and prevention: Update 2012. Retrieved from Jat, K.R. (2013). Spirometry in children. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 22(2), 221– 229.Levy, M.L., Quanjer, P.H., Booker, R., Cooper, B.G., Holmes, S., & Small, I.R. (2009). Diagnostic spirometry in primary care. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 18(3), 130–147 Miller, M.R., Hankinson, J., Brusasco, V., Burgos, F., Casaburi, R., Coates, A., … Wanger, J. (2005). Standardisation of spirometry. European Respiratory Journal, 26(2), 319–338.National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP). (2007). Expert panel Report 3: Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma [Publication 08–405]. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from
Sual № 20
Dempinq sindromunda diareyaya səbəb olan vazoaktiv amin aşağıdakılardan hansıdır?
Ədəbiyyat: Borrelli D, Borrelli A, Presenti L, Bergamini C, Basili G. [Surgical approach of the functional post-partial gastrectomy syndromes] [Italian]. Ann Ital Chir. 2007 Jan-Feb. 78(1):3-10. Hertz AF. IV. The Cause and Treatment of Certain Unfavorable After-effects of Gastro-enterostomy. Ann Surg. 1913 Oct. 58(4):466-72. Wyllys E, Andrews E, Mix CL. "Dumping stomach" and other results of gastrojejunostomy: Operative cure by disconnecting old stoma. Surg Clin Chicago. 1920. 4:879-92. Ukleja A. Dumping syndrome: pathophysiology and treatment. Nutr Clin Pract. 2005 Oct. 20(5):517-25. Berg P, McCallum R. Dumping syndrome: a review of the current concepts of pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Dig Dis Sci. 2016 Jan. 61 (1):11-8. Allerqologiyanın və immunologiyanın nəzəri əsasları
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